Every poison has an expiry date – Gen Z uses TikTok like Google

September 14, 2022

Almost everything you thought to be true about digital has passed on! The platform you’re used to using is no more! ‘E’s ceased to be! ‘E’s expired and gone to meet ‘is maker! ‘E’s a stiff! Bereft of life, ‘e rests in peace! If you hadn’t nailed ‘im to the home page ‘e’d be pushing up the daisies! ‘Is metabolic processes are now ‘istory! ‘E’s off the twig! ‘E’s kicked the bucket, ‘e’s shuffled off ‘is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisible!! IT IS AN EX-PLATFORM!!

Facebook is dead. Google is dying

As far as marketing is concerned, Google is dead, Google Maps, dead, Facebook, dead (thank goodness for Instagram, although it would be much better if it had a maps function); no matter which way you cut it, we no longer need a platform that just provides straightforward information, unless you need to check a spelling or look up the height of your favorite pop star. We need inspiration, we need a richer experience that is more visually appealing and informed by our friends and people who are like us.

TikTok dominance

Enter TikTok, Snapchat, Snap Maps, and a wealth of Apps following in their footsteps. TikTok is undoubtedly the dominant player and a place where teens go to ‘search’ for information. A recent study by Bloomberg (Gen Z Uses TikTok Like Google, Upsetting the Old Internet Order) showed that 40% of young people now use TikTok or Instagram to determine lunch recommendations. Not Google, not Yelp. It’s where they go to search.

When an algorithm brings you to a particular video, it’s like finding gold (or a hardware wallet full of your favorite crypto and NFTs). Another new report by Pew Research on teen social media usage reinforces the TikTok dominance. While Facebook continues to slide away. 67% of teens aged 13-17 only use TikTok as their social platform and 17% use it constantly.

If you look around and feel that you are losing touch with the younger generation, get in touch, we can help with new marketing strategies to break down barriers and re-engage – dani@wearebodhiandco.com

Author Headshot

Spencer Wilkinson

Spencer is the tech guru. From leading teams around the world building revolutionary SaaS marketplaces to consulting on large-scale digital transformation. He also loves NFTs.

The Simply Amazing Recurring Revenue Model (with calculations)

October 10, 2020

There is a beauty in simplicity, but simplicity is in the eye of the beholder. Richard Feynman once said that Euler’s Identity, e^(iπ) + 1 = 0, is “the most remarkable formula in mathematics”, others have compared it to a Shakespearean sonnet. The reason for its beauty is because it is simple to look at and yet incredibly profound. But it is only profound once you have understood it.

We all speak casually of the biggest change to impact nearly every SMB/Enterprise business in the world, most people would say the Cloud, but we think there is a more fundamental (and often over looked) one, Subscription.

Subscription Model

Lowering the cost of entry to market, tick, CAPEX to OPEX, tick, constant up-sell opportunities, tick, cancel any time you like, tick. How many people appreciate the profound simplicity of moving to such a model. If you’ve not thought about it before then let us take you through some numbers.

The Example

Bodhi owns a retail company selling business hardware solutions (computers, keyboards etc). His average monthly revenue is $1M, giving an annual revenue of $12m and this has been consistent for the last three years.

Hardware Sales:

  • Year 1 Revenue: $12M

  • Year 2 Revenue: $12M

  • Year 3 Revenue: $12M

Bodhi then starts to sell subscription software with his hardware. He sells $10,000 per month (just 1% of usual monthly revenue). Look how this changes the next three years revenue

Hardware & Software Sales:

  • Year 1 Revenue: $12M + $780K (the commonly understood rule of 78)

  • Year 2 Revenue: $12M + $2.22M (the less commonly known year two rule of 144 + 78)

  • Year 3 Revenue: $12M + $3.66M (the never spoken about rule of (2 x 144) + 78)

We can now fast forward a few years because we have now found a simple formula.

rn = 144(n-1)vs + 78vs


rn = annual revenue in year n

n = year

v = value of subscription

s = number of subscriptions sold per month

In year 10 the annual revenue for subscription will be:

rn = (144 x 9 x 1 x 10,000) + (78 x 1 x 10,000)

= 12,960,000 + 780,000

= $13,740,000 = More revenue than in his hardware sales

Reoccurring revenue impact

What would happen if Bodhi sold $50K per month (5% of his hardware revenue) = $68M. How about $100,000 (10% of his hardware sales) = $137M

This is by far the best bit. Bodhi takes a year off in year 11, no one cancels their subscriptions, he does not make any hardware sales but his Y11 revenue is $144M. Bodhi loves predictable revenue, Bodhi loves subscription. Subscription is not a short term play but move now and you will have a beautiful future.

If this excites you and you want to chat about this more, just drop me a line spencer@wearebodhiandco.com

Author Headshot

Spencer Wilkinson

Spencer is the tech guru. From leading teams around the world building revolutionary SaaS marketplaces to consulting on large-scale digital transformation. He also loves NFTs.

Watch Out For David – Opinion piece on Marketplaces

September 2, 2020

Walmart are taking on Amazon, Tech Data is taking on Ingram Micro (Cloud Blue), the war of the Marketplace has truly begun, but as we all know the art of war is in the strategy. Amazon is investing $18 Billion to get an army of independents on their side, Walmart have a counter strike with fast delivery and ‘cashierless’ checkouts, compelling to the countless consumers. Ingram invested over $1 Billion in acquiring their platform and hundreds of thousands in a technical rewrite, Apollo have committed $750 Million to fight back. Do we dare to approach an arena with such Goliaths swinging their mighty swords. I feel so…

Marketplace War

War is only lucrative if you win, the secret therefore must be not to lose. Whilst the Goliaths fight there will be a series of onlookers waiting for the victor to look for their next fight.

At this point the smart David will realize that his opponent is less agile, less creative, tired and fearful of his financial investors. He will resort to the only weapon he has, will try to use brute force. David just needs a sling… or preferably a HK416, David needs to work with the right vendors, to take the right products to market, that have the biggest impact. If David is smart, he will work with a series of vendors and be loyal to his partner base to arm them all with the tools they need to be collectively victorious.

David. With great power comes great responsibility, don’t screw it up.

Author Headshot

Spencer Wilkinson

Spencer is the tech guru. From leading teams around the world building revolutionary SaaS marketplaces to consulting on large-scale digital transformation. He also loves NFTs.

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